Friday, 28 February 2014

4TC American Assembly

Well done to all my amazing: cowboys, cheerleaders, Tom Sawyers, Statues of Liberty, Huck Finns, Abe Lincolns, dancers, flag girls, Masterminders, Bartholdi, narrators, IT specialists and pianist! I was astounded at your beautiful costumes (thank you parents) and your ability to learn an entire script with dance routines in just 2 days. I really should be used to you all confounding my expectations by now! You have learned lots about our class country 'America' in this play, and I am looking forward to hearing you read your 'States Poems' for me next week.
Mrs Smith said that it looked like a professional production, and that is all down to you. You will all get 10 mins extra play on Monday as a little treat. I have included all of the photographs that I took on the day.
Leave a message on the bog to let me know if you enjoyed it. 3 housepoints are up for grabs, for the person that writes a blog post telling me the most interesting fact about one of the presidents (that we didn't mention in our play.) Mrs C :)

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