Friday 30 January 2015

Fraction Word Problems 4JP

Can you work out the answers to these fraction word problems which children in 4JP have written?  Leave your answer with your first name in the comments and you may get some house points!

1) Mrs Payne has 12 "very healthy" Toffee Crisp bars.  She eats 1/4 of them after dinner.  How many does she have left? (Daisy)

2) A man was in jail for 36 years but his friend was in jail for 1/2 that amount.  How many years was the friend in jail? (Joseph)

3) In 5 weeks, I earn £27.  I spend 1/3 of it.  How much do I spend? (Georgia)

4) Billy saves 120p.  He spends 1/4 if it.  How much does he have left? (Aadi)

5) I spent £27 and that was 1/3 of my money.  How much did I have first? (Ellis)

6) I buy 24 apples and I give 2/4 of them away.  How many do I give away? (Sianna)

1 comment :

  1. These are great, well done 4JP. What happened to the rest of the Toffee Crisp bars though eh? There must many left?
    Love Evie's mum.


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