Friday 6 February 2015

4TC Peter and the Wolf- Interhouse Arts Challenge

The children in year 4 had a special arts day recently, to introduce them to a wonderful piece of classical music. Peter and the Wolf, by Prokofiev is a favourite with children and adults alike. Different musical instruments and sections of the orchestra are used to create signature sounds for each of the main characters in the story: Peter, Sonia the duck, Ivan the cat, Sacha the bird, grandpa, the hunters and the wolf.
Ask your child if they can remember which instrument was used for each character.

The children were asked to respond to this piece of music, by creating a home learning task in their favourite ‘arts’ medium. I have received some astonishing results, some of which are shown below. I would like to thank all of our parents for supporting their children in creating this wonderful variety of work.

This afternoon Mr Garrat came to see a display of every childs work and was very impressed with the results.We also allowed children to peer assess each others work and leave comments on post it notes, to give feedback and praise.

Well done Kian. This A1 picture of the wolf scene using: fur, glitter, feather and a pop ups showed an imaginative use of textures.

Congratulations Amelia-Mae and Susannah, you both created an outstanding shadow puppet theatre and treated us to a great show today.

 Your lolly stick house was a creative masterpiece. It must have taken hours for you to complete. A great interpretation of the task Teagan. Well done.
Miss Hillier and I enjoyed your story on a pop up display Hollie. Well done.

This is fantastic Jude! A lovely puppet theatre with scenery and movable characters.

So much care went into your shadow puppet theatre Katie, well done. 

I loved your use of ruby red curtains in your A3 stage/title poster. Great job Ruby!

I like that you chose your favourite characters to create your colourful A4 felt picture. Well done Olivia.

Beautifully presented, as usual Libby. Congratulations on your written version of the story with illustrations.

Henry and Liam- Peter and wolf based Rap song. We all enjoyed hearing this is class today. Well done.

Original piano composition. Written on a stave and recorded/posted on Edmodo. I am astonished at your creativity Caitlin. Well done.

Mr Garratt agreed this was a detailed and meticulously crafted piece. You not only used Minecraft to recreate each scene, but you also rewrote the story and set it to music. Bravo!

 Your textured picture of Sonia the duck using cotton wool and sweetie wrappers was delightful. Well done Lily.
Well done Stanley for your A4 hand drawn and coloured picture. We particularly liked your wolf!

Thank you for your 'capturing the wolf' scene. Well done Marcus.

Well done Jack for your A4 hand drawn and coloured picture. I love the bold and beautiful bird, Sacha.

Your watercolour sunset with black cut out silhouette characters was beautiful Patrick. It was an imaginative and creative response to this piece. Well done.

Congratulations Sofia, yours was one of the first moving parts puppet theatres to arrive into school. You inspired others to be creative, well done.

 This was an outstanding homework learning task Luke combining: a poem, paper mache tree and wolf scene. I can see how much time and effort you spent to create this. Wow!
We all hugely enjoyed your puppet theatre Carys, with it's hand drawn scenery and characters. Well done!

Your eye catching A3 picture highlighted the heart of this piece Dylan. Namely, the different instruments for each of the characters. 

Well done Matilda,  on your eye catching painting and re-telling of the story. A lot of care went into this task, 

Your MP4 of your puppet theatre, set to a story and then voice recorded by you was a masterpiece. Congratulations Haydn! 

And finally to Louis, we all enjoyed hearing you reading your poem aloud in class today.

Thank you again, it has been a pleasure to see how much the children enjoyed this challenge and to see their creative responses. Well done. Mrs C J

Whizz Kid Challenge: 5hps are up for grabs for the first person to tell me the name of the Shakespeare play that inspired Prokofiev to write another iconic musical masterpiece. 




  2. Well done Matilda!
    We will play it on Monday morning in class and put those house points in the pot.
    Mrs C :)

    Listen to the first 2 minutes of this clip and see if the music sounds familiar.
    It is called 'Montagues and Capulets.' Listen to how Prokofiev uses different instruments in the orchestra to highlight the tense atmosphere between the families. Mrs C :)


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