Friday 27 February 2015

Roman Mysteries Author Visit

On Thursday 26th February, Caroline Lawrence the author of Roman Mystery stories came to visit us at the Vale.   She spoke to children in years 4-7, about how she writes her books and where she got the inspiration for her 4 main characters: Flavia, Jonathan, Nubia and Lupus. 
She explained to the children, that she was inspired to write these stories after studying Latin, Greek and Ancient Civilisations at Cambridge University. Many of her stories follow the pattern of ancient myths and include accurate historical information. She described her method for story writing, which involved following 7 plot beats.
Can you remember what they were? 
5 House-points are up for grabs for the first person who can name all 7 plot beats.
Over the past term we have been writing our own Roman mystery stories, using Caroline Lawrence's books and TV series as inspiration. Not only did Caroline judge a competition to reward the best stories, she also gave children detailed feedback on how they might improve their work.
All the children in year 4 were treated to one of the Roman Mystery books, signed by the author!

Congratulations to the winners of the story writing competition: Billy, Matilda and Rachel. 

Congratulations to 3 of the runners up: Elliot, Luke and Henry.


  1. Rachel enjoyed meeting this author,and enjoyed writing the story,even though I wasn`t allowed to read it!!!!


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