Friday, 26 September 2014

OSCARs 26.9.14

This week we awarded OSCARs to the following children:

4JP - Aadi, George, Tom, Sophie, Maddie.

4CP - Max, Vishal, Daniel, Kaitlyn, Katie

4TC - Hollie, Lily, Sophia, Anthony, Stanley

We also awarded our first "Always" Gold star badges to Ellis, Jude and Rachel!

Congratulations to all these children for some amazing work and behaviour! Leave your messages for them in the comments!

1 comment :

  1. Congratulations Aadi, George, Tom, Sophie, Maddie, Max, Vishal, Daniel, Kaitlyn, Katie, Hollie, Lily, Sophia, Anthony, and Stanley as well as Ellis, Jude and Rachel. OSCARS are for stars in Hollywood but, more importantly, recognise the stars for good behaviour and amazing work in your school. Well done!

    Ross Mannell
    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia


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