Monday 15 December 2014

Inter-House Times Tables

Last Friday, we held our Inter-House Times Tables Challenge, with all children completing a times-tables grid of 1-12 in the quickest possible time.  We found the quickest person in each house in each class before the fastest person from each house across the year group.  Our final 5 (one house had two people competing due to equal times) completed a much harder random grid to decide who would be our top four.  The results were as follows:
1) Joe (Sapphire)
2) Jack (Ruby)
3) Jude (Amber)
4) Haydn (Emerald)
Congratulations to all 4 finalists! 


  1. I am really proud of all the children who made it to the final!

    1. my daughter was very pleased with herself to be in the last 5. We seem to have a potential mathematician in the house!!!

  2. Well done Joe, Jack, Jude, Haydn you should be very proud of your self.

  3. good effort guys well done


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